Lewisville approves its updated plan!
- On July 21, 2021

Since its adoption in 2014, the Lewisville 2025 vision plan has reshaped the vision and priorities of this community. It’s been recognized with state and national awards and has dramatically increased community involvement. But in 2019, five years later, the City decided it was time to assess progress and update the plan to address new issues. They asked Strategic Community Solutions LLC to assist the staff in carrying out this update.
Little did we know that our plan update would have to contend with all the changes brought by COVID-19! An intensive, in-person community engagement process led to Touchpoint events in January 2020, which set priorities for the plan update. Then came COVID … Though the rest of the community engagement became virtual, the planning process was able to continue.
On April 19, 2021, the Lewisville City Council unanimously adopted the updated Lewisville 2025 vision plan. It contains seven Big Moves and three Strategic Moves. This updated and refreshed plan incorporates the lessons learned during the unexpected events of 2020, as well as the ideas of a wide range of Lewisville residents and the insights of the City’s professionals throughout the organization. Key Lewisville Boards and Commissions also contributed to the plan’s direction and action priorities, and recommended its approval to the City Council.