New direction for fast-growing Anna, Texas
- On July 21, 2021

The City of Anna, Texas has a new set of three coordinated plans to guide its fast-paced growth! On April 27, 2021, the Anna City Council unanimously adopted a new Comprehensive Plan, a Downtown Master Plan, and a Parks, Open Space and Trails Master Plan. Strategic Community Solutions was a member of the consultant team, led by Kimley-Horn, Inc., that worked with residents, property owners, staff, elected and appointed officials to create these new plans. They include broad statements of the vision for the future, guiding principles and policies to direct decision-making, and an implementation component to prioritize actions to make these plans a reality.
All three documents extend the City’s planning horizon to the year 2050. The three plans work together to achieve the community’s vision:
Based on heritage and built on innovation, by 2050 Anna is a diverse and
vibrant community, balancing big-city assets with a hometown character,
where neighbors of all ages, races and abilities enjoy a premier community
with the homes, jobs and community amenities they need to thrive.
The plans themselves are now available online through the City of Anna’s website.