Brazilian Amazon

Brazilian Amazon

  • On January 8, 2018

In early September, we took the “Rio Negro Paradise” birding trip with Field Guides in the Brazilian Amazon. Beginning in Manaus, we birded in national parks and refuges near that city and a tourist town called Presidente Figueiredo.


On the top of the observation tower in the Ducke Reserve in Manaus.

Yellow-billed Jacamar.

Musician Wren.

Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock. Photo by Bret Whitney.


Then we boarded the Tumbira and spent a week traveling on the two rivers that meet to officially form the Amazon. Jau’ National Park is the second-largest national park in the world – over 8,700 square miles. It protects the area on both sides of the Rio Negro. The Negro drains flat areas of rainforest with sandy soils so its water is tea-colored (from the tannin in the leaves on the forest floor) but absolutely clear.


The Tumbira at anchor in the Rio Negro.

Pied Puffbird.

Night monkeys look a lot like ET!

Painted Tody-flycatcher.


We’ve never been in a place where you could travel in a boat all day long and have completely pristine forest on both sides the whole time! The Rio Solimoes drains the steep slopes of the Andes so it has a faster current, more silt and a milky color. Where these rivers meet, the two colors run side by side for many miles. The birds and animals were fascinating and we enjoyed the time with our excellent guides Bret Whitney and Marcelo Barreiros and the other tour participants.


Rio Negro Paradise guides and participants.

Wing-banded Wren. Photo by Bret Whitney.

Terry’s fishing success!

The Teatro Amazonas, the opera house built in Manaus in 1896.
