Lewisville 2025 Update Community Outreach
- On October 1, 2019

It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been five years since the Lewisville 2025 Vision Plan was adopted! The City has made tremendous strides in achieving that vision and many accomplishments are making the plan a reality. At the five-year mark, the City has chosen to review these results, consider the current conditions and opportunities, and update the plan as necessary. Most of the work on this project will be done by City staff, and all parts of the City organization are involved. The City engaged SCS as a consultant to guide the project and work with staff on this update. The project also includes assistance to help update the Library’s Strategic Plan and to help create a short-term Sustainability Action Plan.

The project’s community outreach began in the fall of 2019. Karen developed a process and workbook template for receiving input from individuals and groups in the community. Working collaboratively with City staff, a plan was developed to reach out to the many parts of the community that often don’t participate in planning. Leadership by the City staff has been crucial to the project’s success – they made the contacts, led community discussion sessions, followed up on questions and recorded the ideas.

The City also developed creative new tools for outreach. A particularly cool one is “Marco’s Big Move” a book geared to kids that explains the Lewisville 2025 plan and how each of the Big Moves relates to Marco, a little boy whose family has just made their own big move to Lewisville. This book was sent to every household in the community and was used in every 2nd grade class in Lewisville! Results from this outreach effort shaped the Touchpoint Event held in January 2020. In addition, Karen is reviewing and assessing all this input for use in setting priorities and direction for the plan update.